Christmas 2018

Christmas 2018

And just like that, another year gone…but not forgotten.

2018 was a big one and before it disappears for good, I like to take this opportunity to reflect.

As always, the ‘resolutions’ we make don’t always seem to happen, as a result we feel guilt instead of assessing why.

Is it that you didn’t achieve X,Y, Z because you were too busy – what were you too busy doing, is that an unknown achievement that deserves some recognition – most likely.

I am a big believer in setting out goals for the year and this year I changed it up, instead of having a few resolutions, I made a list of intentions.

And I have to say, most of them I achieved, those I didn’t.  Well they were only intentions, and I intend on achieving them next year.  I will talk more about this and what 2019 is going to look like in my next post.

But for now, it’s a time to reflect on what was.

Focus on the good, and accept the bad – but don’t dwell on it.

We are a negative-bias society and will feel more emotions towards the bad times of 2018 then the positive energy all the good things brought.

One thing I do every year, around this time is write a list of all the things I am proud of for the year, these can be as little as decluttering your wardrobe in January or eliminating one toxin from your life, adding a new value or recognising your values.  Spending more time getting to know yourself, these are big achievements that help shape you and your life in to the best version it can be.

For some reason, the festive time, even though it is intended to bring joy, it can bring on other emotions, and if I have learnt anything this year, it is about acknowledging your emotions, trying to identify the cause and letting yourself feel that emotion, knowing it will pass.

However you are feeling during this festive time,  I challenge you to enter it with gratitude.

Gratitude of another year, no matter how hard it has been.

Gratitude of the people in your life, even though you may have lost some.

Gratitude of your health, even though there may be areas to improve or even if it isn’t perfect.

Gratitude for all those times you went out of your comfort zone, you challenged your fears and defeated the odds.

I am grateful, I am grateful for all of you who are reading this now, grateful for what this year has brought, and grateful for my growth and look forward to another year full of growth and prosperity.

So in the midst of this chaotic time, spent with family, friends and loved ones. Reflect.  Reflect on the moments where you felt proud. Reflect on Gratitude.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years.

See you in 2019.


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