

I am on week 6 of working from home, and who knows what day self-isolating.

I’ve been trying to find a happy medium of using this time to relax and detune and also be somewhat productive.  Over the weekend I completely gutted and organised my bathroom, it was like a form of therapy.

Following the same theme of sustainability and quality over quantity, I have also translated that to assessing what I actually use which after the weekend has now created so much more space in my cupboards! It’s a good feeling.

Not too long ago I did a post on Bathroom Sustainability, highlighting my Bare Minerals face products.  I gave myself the task of going through my bathroom and changing it up so everything in that one area is kind, or kinder to the environment.  Of course some products were already taking residence there, so I have created a list to replace these with eco alternatives once they’ve run their course.

My skin has already thanked me for it.

In conjunction with focusing on having a sustainable bathroom, I also wanted to make it a sanctuary, a place where I can unwind or proactively start my day.  This is also reflected in how I have organised my space.

Here’s what I did.


  • Daily Products
  • Lips
  • Eyes
  • Face


  • Morning
  • Night


  • Hair Care
  • Perfumes
  • Body
  • Spa (including face masks, bath salts etc.)
  • Nails
  • Sanitary
  • Essentials (soaps/toilet paper etc.)
  • Misc. (which will be reviewed, and if untouched removed).

I am really enjoying minimalising and organising different spaces at home, it has been very mentally cleansing to feel organised and clear headed by reducing how much clutter surrounds me.

I hope you have all managed to somewhat take refuge in this time to detune and assess your life and home that guards it.



Following on from my last two posts, I have promised to not only share my take on wardrobe sustainability, but it is also a perfect post/activity for those of you at a loss of things to do, during this trying time.

Earlier this year, I completely culled my wardrobe.  Focusing more on ‘less is more’ and ‘quality over quantity’ to complement switching gears and acting more sustainably and conscious when it comes to fashion.

I went through EVERYTHING, down to my socks! And had segregated piles:

  1. Keep as current
  2. Donate
  3. Ditch (last resort)
  4. Compress

I wanted to make sure what I had available in my wardrobe reflected my style and made it simpler when choosing outfits (which it has!).

I have put 50% of my wardrobe in compressed bags, downsized my ‘current wardrobe’ and I feel instantly calmer because of it.

The 50% put away, are items I still love, but won’t see myself wearing as much of this year. Think of how joyful it will be come January 1st 2021 opening the hidden half of my wardrobe to review what I want as my ‘current’ for 2021. It’s a present for my future self!

Not only does this have it’s obvious instant benefits, but long lasting too!

Instead of donating and buying replacement clothes, I am consciously shopping in my own wardrobe, I can clearly see what I have and know that when buying,  I have more clothes temporarily stored away that I will get to browse from soon enough!

Now when purchasing I am choosing quality over quantity, I understand not everyone has the means to do so, but if you are buying a piece of clothing that is made to last, it will!


How I did it?

Go through section by section, separate in to the 4 piles and make sure you are putting away more than you are keeping. Also move things around in your wardrobe, relocating and redecorating what you already have available gives you a fresh feeling without spending unnecessarily!

P.s I am also using the Marie Kondo folding technique (definitely recommended).

While the majority of us are self-isolating, this is the perfect time to re-asses your wardrobe and have it reflect the you that is now! It’s also something for the whole family, and has it’s instant proven benefits to bring a calmness once completed!.

Start your spring cleaning in Isolation!


Well, what a weird time we are all in right now?!

First of all, I wanted to pop in and say that I hope you are all spreading love (not germs) and staying safe. Just know that even though we are in the middle of the storm right now, there is always a rainbow, and it will be brighter than ever for humanity once we get through this. And we will get through this.

I will start sharing a few things on what I am doing outside of working from home, to keep myself motivated, occupied and productive. I have also started sharing my working from home outfits, because for me getting ready is something I love, and there’s no reason I can’t still put effort in, even if I am just at home, of course with added comfort options!

Fashion is meant to be fun, so use this time to experiment, play with styles and dress up for the sake of it! Please also share your working from home outfits with me, I am always looking for inspiration!

I also wanted to share with you all, a personal side whilst dealing with COVID-19…

You may not be aware, but I I have Type 1 Diabetes and Coeliac Disease, in addition to low IgA (which means I have troubles absorbing nutrients). That equates to 3 auto-immune diseases which puts me in the #highrisk and vulnerable category.

I do my part, build my body up with good nutrients and micro-nutrients, exercise and keep my blood sugar levels as regular as can possibly be. I am also staying home, to not put myself at risk.

I also know many others that have compromised health systems which too, makes them vulnerable.

I wanted to put some perspective, there is a huge domino affect happening now, and even though you may not feel as though you are affected, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do your part by staying home, social and physical distancing and isolating where possible, it’s really important to flatten the curve and help health workers do their job and help us in the vulnerable category stay healthy and not impact the health system more than needed.

I’m grateful I have the ability to work from home, my workplace have been incredibly supportive. Plus staying at home isn’t that bad, I’ll be sharing what I am doing to keep busy in my downtime.

Everyone can help. Please follow the advice from the Government, #stayathome and #staysafe.



Once upon a time… I was celeb spotting and eating my way around California.

Now I am all settled settle back in to routine I have had to the chance to reflect on my escape to California!

I headed to La La Land early Feb to be there for the 92nd Academy Awards (see pervious post: https://fatefulfashion.com/academy-awards-2020/), where I stayed at the iconic Hollywood Roosevelt and was reunited with my fateful fashion bestie!

As soon as we arrived it was go-go-go, no time for Jetlag! But before we get in to what I did, where I went, I wanted to share some of my packing advice!

It’s always hard when travelling, especially when you will be attending events and dressing up on numerous occasions to pack light, however it was my number #1 priority in an endeavour to be more sustainable and minimalistic.

I broke down my itinerary and first off listed the items I wanted and had to wear to certain occasions (i.e. The Audrey Dress by Georgy Collection for the Academy Awards at the Hollywood Roosevelt, and my hot pink ByJohnny dress that I could not wait to gallivant in, in Malibu!). There is also a huge stigma on #outfitrepeating, however I tried to embrace this, because if it is so damn nice, why not wear it twice!?

Once I knew what main events I had specific looks/outfits for, I got down to the basics and made sure to match out combo’s with different days so I would wear them multiple times! I am very proud to say there wasn’t one thing I didn’t wear, or wear twice for that matter! You may have identified some looks I re-wore or mixed and matched on social media, but if I can give any tip, it would be to plan ahead as much as possible to ensure you don’t over pack (it’s so easy to do!), travelling lighter is not only better for the environmental but easier to get around, unpack and to choose outfits for the day! Sometimes, having less definitely streamlines your life more, taking out the overwhelming factor of ‘what do I wear!?’.  I have recentlyfinished a HUGE wardrobe clean out, which I will cover in a post to come!

Other little tips on being sustainable are: Shampoo/Condition Bars/your own water bottle/not using hotel complimentary items, such as shampoo/conditioner, turning the light off in your hotel and so on, the list goes on and on. There are plenty of ways to be less wasteful when travelling!

Now to what I did, and where I went!

Los Angeles:


Pump Restaurant (for celeb spotting!)

Sur Restaurant (for fine dining)

TomTom (for cocktails)

Mastro’s (for italian)

Mama Shelter (for views over brunch)


Hollywood Roosevelt



The Grove/Farmers Market

Vanderpump Dogs



Rodeo Drive (for high end fashion)

Walk of Fame (for touristy items)

The Grove (to feel like you’re in Paris)



The Farm (for Mexican)

Nobu (for an experience on Japanese cuisine)


Malibu Beach Inn


Malibu Wine Safari

Beach Walk

San Francisco


Bubba Gump’s Shrimp

Swiss Louis Restaurant

Franciscan Crab Restaurant

Hard Rock Cafe


Hotel Zephyr



Pier 39

Hop on/Hop off

Pink Ladies

Golden Gate Bridge

Art Galleries down by the Pier


Pier 39 (for all your souvenir needs)

As crazy as Hollywood and America is compared to Australia, it’s always a fun time and I am already planning my next trip back!

Please share your tips on sustainable travel, and travel advice for California – I would love to hear it!

Until then, I’ll see you again, City of Lights..



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That sounds way to futuristic to be real. Yet here we are.

I took January off from posting on this platform to re-set, reflect and set my intentions for this year and decade. This however is a work in progress and will complement the ebbs and flows of life.

One major focus both professionally and personally is sustainability, not only how I can lead a more conscious life but how I can use my platform to lead with sustainability and encompass this in everyday life.

I already have a few plans underway and I cannot wait to share these with you all, in due time, however what you will notice more of is the natural incorporation of this focus and effort throughout my posts.

The fashion world is increasingly building on this important cause of environmentalism, being a large consumer to this effect, I am genuinely excited to see where this transcends within this decade.

Another focus is ensuring my values meet my actions, to continuously build my platform against the true nature of my beliefs and the values I uphold, for it to represent quality over quantity and authenticity.

As I share this, I am preparing for my first adventure of 2020 and headed to Los Angeles for the 92nd Academy Awards which I will again be covering live from the Roosevelt.  I will take you on a journey with me through the electrifying LA, calm Malibu and happening San Francisco.

I hope you have all had a present start to the decade and look forward to sharing my journey with you all.


The last two weekends have seen the SLOW Fashion Festival in Adelaide, with the launch held on the same day as the Climate Strike for #FridaysforFuture.

I recently attended both the Launch and After Party + Runway events, where I was introduced to a Panel of innovators and brands doing their bit for humanity and the environment.

To find out more about the SLOW Fashion Movement, check out their website here: http://slowff.com/

On the topic of slow fashion I thought I would dedicate this post, not only to the recent festival but the small changes we can make to support slow fashion and shop more consciously.

The Fashion Industry contributes quite drastically towards the current climate, According to The Guardian, 85% of the human-made material found in the ocean actually comes from clothing. The fashion industry also has a colossal carbon footprint and a serious waste problem, where we are buying  400% more clothes than we were 20 years ago, and, on average, 30% of those garments are worn just once before they are thrown away

(Source: https://wellmadeclothes.com.au/articles/FastFashionClimateChange/)

As a lover of fashion and the environment, this was hard to hear, but instead of disregarding either of my passions, I decided to research and look in to what companies are doing on their part to reduce their emissions and support the fight on climate change.

I surprise myself now when I go window shopping, I take note of the brand, do my research (most brands will post their sustainability mission on their website) and make a conscious decision.


Some small ways we can slow the fashion industry down are to:

  • Shop vintage – not only will you find great one-off pieces, but buying vintage reduces waste enormously.
  • 30 x rule – asking yourself, will I wear this 30 times, most of the time you do, especially if it’s work wear, then at least you are being conscious about the practicality of what you are buying.
  • Quality over quantity – when wanting to treat yourself, choose quality over quantity, instead of going on a shopping spree and buying 20 items you may wear a couple of times,  choose pieces you truly love, they will not only bring you more joy, but will act as an investment in your wardrobe
  • Company’s sustainability clauses – as mentioned above, check out some of your favourite brands and their sustainability mission statements, it’s important to show your support to brands especially local ones, who are committed to building their business sustainability, this doesn’t only apply to fashion brands, I have also posted about sustainable beauty, check out my post here:https://fatefulfashion.com/sustainable-beauty/

Some other brands that are not only sustainable, but vegan too are Sans Beast, Matt & Nat and many more you can find at the link here: https://www.thegoodtrade.com/features/affordable-ethical-fashion-brands

ASOS have also launched a responsible edit: https://www.asos.com/au/women/the-responsible-edit/cat/?cid=28981

  • ZARA mission – one brand which I am a huge fan of is ZARA, they have a commitment to sustainability through ‘LIFE’https://www.zara.com/au/en/sustainability-l1449.html?v1=1279235
  • Support Local – go to market stalls, support the little brands – they most likely have lower impacts on the environment too!
  • Donate Clothes – donate your clothes to your local shelter, or recycle them.  Alexis from SRC discussed the impacts when recycling clothing and how to do it ethically, they have placed recyclable clothing bins around – check it out here:http://scrg.com.au/.  H&M also accept all types of recycled clothing too!
  • Clothes Swap – swap with your friends! Or partake in a clothing stall at your local market.
  • Outfit Repeat – my new biggest focus, is outfit repeating.  Olivia Molly Rogers, influencer and inspiration has recently discussed the #outfitrepeat stigma on her social platforms.  This is something we face as a social media generation(s), where wearing the same outfit twice is unacceptable.  I think we should really tackle this and own #outfitrepeating, make it loud and make it proud.  Fashion is meant to be loved and enjoyed, what’s the point of doing that once, if you have an outfit you bought for a special occasion and can’t be photographed in it again, think about ways you can mix it up, add a belt, different makeup or hairstyle, shoes, jacket there are numerous ways to be inventive.  I can’t wait to share all my #outfitrepeats with you!

I am not the only one talking about it, stay alert for so many media publications discussing sustainability in fashion and take note. The good news is, fashion is becoming a more conscious field, but will only work to its full potential if we as consumers are more conscious too!

For those that missed the SLOW Fashion Festival, but wish to attend an event on this topic, VOGUE Festival are hosting a ‘Voices of Vogue – Meet the SLOW Fashion Movement’ event on the topic of SLOW Fashion – event details at this link: https://rundlemall.com/voices-of-vogue-festival/.


As of very recently, I have not only started to become more conscious of individuals impact on the environment, but also, acting on those thoughts.

By no means am I 100% sustainable, however I am increasingly passionate about the small steps, adaptions and changes, we as humans can make.

As such, I have decided to make the switch to beauty products that are cruelty free, clean and sustainable.  I have done my research and settled on Bare Minerals.

Bare Minerals

Who “believe every little choice we make has the power to create a big difference. As the creators of clean, natural makeup, we’re here to help you take care of your skin, your beauty, and your sense of wellbeing through the little choices you make every day. To bring you makeup that’s full of what’s good, and free of what harms. We also want to share a bigger sense of purpose that goes beyond makeup. We believe that the world is full of opportunity and free of limitations. That’s why we’re on a mission to help you, your community and the world around you feel the power of good.

When you choose clean beauty products, you’re being good to your skin and the environment. Your decisions have an outward effect: even the smallest ones can impact your community and the world beyond it. That’s why we choose to be good, to make a difference in others’ lives, and to effect real change.”

I have started with a few products, I have naturally dryer skin so have opted for hydrating products and I didn’t want to post this until I can truthfully say they have been tried and tested.  Honestly, every morning it feels like I am having a facial, the notion of moisturising and the scents stop me in my tracks and prompt me to be present during this ritual.

As for the foundation It is light, yet provides great coverage.  I bought all these products from Mecca in Rundle Mall.  The staff there are so informative and helpful, they also will be able to help you choose clean products, or vegan, or any to your liking.

I have also chosen a Contour stick from Westman Atelier

Who “believe in consciously crafted beauty. That means luxurious, effortlessly beautiful makeup formulated with clean ingredients and no-compromises integrity. It means balancing perfect shades and buttery textures that melt into the skin with plant-based actives and cutting-edge science. And it means a passionate commitment to researching and reassessing our ingredients as new information comes to light.”

If you think about it, consciously choosing your beauty products for the better of the environment is a really easy step to take, or even researching the brands you are currently using to see what they may already be doing.

There are also many, many forums/blogs online that can assist with your search.

Of course, the world of beauty is not the only way to help and do your part, you can buy a metal straw, refuse single use plastics, get a keep cup, walk instead of drive when you can and stop to appreciate the world around us.  It may inspire you to live a more conscious life.

As stated, I am not plastic free, nor am I living 100% sustainably, however I am becoming more and more conscious of my actions, and it is the least I can do.